Interview (extract) with Isabelle Goutines of Inner Gifts by Bingz Huang.

Inner Gifts Energy Healing Spiritual Healing Psychic Reading Akashic Record Hypnosis Part-therapy

In 2011, I received a minor surgical intervention under general anaesthetic from which I was meant to recover rapidly, being fit and healthy. However, I lost the ability to walk for several month after. I was affected by a range of debilitating symptoms which traditional medicine was not able to treat and which resulted in mental and emotional distress as well as physical disabilities. I therefore looked for complementary solutions.

Despite my initial reluctance and scepticism, I found that energy healing was a very powerful way forward enabling me to return to full health. I then decided to start training with the School of Intuition and Healing, run by Sue Allen, in London. There, I qualified with distinction on their two year intensive accredited spiritual healing course.

I have undertaken studies in intuitive development for seven years and akashic record connection which I use for reading and healing. I met my hypnosis teachers and then qualified with an advanced hypnosis certificate, with the Past Life Regression Academy run by Andy Tomlinson; and a diploma in transformational regression therapy with the Cara Centre run by Doug Buckingham.
The courses I have qualified in have all been taught by excellent and advanced level teachers in their respective fields. I maintain my practical and theoretical knowledge, professional skills and ethical standards with ongoing Continuing Professional Development.

I’d like to add a big thank you to a few very special people who have helped guide me on this incredible journey: Natasha Wojnow, Doug Buckingham, Roger Hanson, Hazel Newton, Vicky Sweetlove and Sue Allen.

“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding”  – Leonardo Da Vinci